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About e4 Environmental - Fully Licensed Asbestos Removal Company

Founded in 2006, we help people like you to remove asbestos in a regulated and safe manner. HSE certified, we are a fully-licensed asbestos removal contractor.


Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most common questions we get asked are answered below for you! For further information give us a...

Q: What area do you carry out works?

We are based in Sheffield but travel all across the UK, and have even been known to travel to Africa for jobs! There is no limit to our service area so please give us a call. See detailed examples of our asbestos removal works in Sheffield, Manchester, and Cirencester to name a few.

Q: Where can asbestos be found?

Asbestos can be found in many places. Any buildings pre 1999 could potentially have asbestos containing materials (ACM’s) present. For a full list of potential places asbestos can be found in the home, head over to our blog

Q: Why is asbestos hazardous to my health?

The fibres of the asbestos materials are long, thin strands that are very small. When inhaled, these fibres latch on to your lungs and organs and when built up over time can cause Asbestosis or Mesothelioma, both fatal and incurable diseases. For further information on why asbestos can be dangerous, read our blog.

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