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Asbestos Removal works at Trafford Park, Manchester

We have recently completed a job based in an old warehouse in Trafford Park, Manchester which is due to be demolished in due course. Our task was to remove all asbestos containing materials including the roof panels so the demolition company could proceed safely.

3 large enclosures were built around the whole interior of the warehouse, having 1 live enclosure at a time.

The enclosure live at the time of taking photographs was the final enclosure, and the remaining work would be done as non-licensed work afterwards.

View of warehouse area where asbestos has already been removed

View of warehouse area where asbestos has already been removed

The operatives were removing panels of AIB that was mostly whole (some were damaged prior to our site presence so were treated with extreme care) and wrapping them in polythene before then wrapping in red bags, and finally another layer in clear bags.

Asbestos operative carrying waste

Asbestos operatives inside the enclosure had full-face motorised masks and type 5/6 red coveralls on.

Waste removal from the enclosure

Waste is removed via a 3-stage bag-lock attached to the enclosure. This reduces the chance of any contamination into the outside atmosphere. Operatives inside the enclosure are able to go to the middle section of the bag-lock, where waste is then double bagged with a clear waste bag on top of the red waste bag that has been put on whilst inside the enclosure. The ‘outside man’ who is wearing blue coveralls then can enter the first section of the bag-lock to pass the clear bags from outside and then collect and move the waste once double bagging and ‘swan-necking’ has happened (this is where the bag is taped up to avoid it from coming open when taken to landfill).

3 stage baglock waste being removed 3 Asbestos operative team work waste removal baglock 3

The ‘outside man’ then takes the waste via the designated waste route to the Asbestos Sealed Skip.

Outside asbestos operative on waste run half face mask
Waste route to sealed asbestos skip

Waste route to sealed asbestos skip


The enclosures are built with timber frames and 1000 gauge polythene is attached to the frames to create an enclosure, or ‘tent’. Negative Pressure Units, and added filters to the top of the enclosure, ensure that air is flowing through the enclosure in order to keep fresh air circulating. The ‘dirty’ air with asbestos fibres is filtered through the NPU machine & caught in the filter, which is then treated as contaminated waste.

View of asbestos enclosure from scissor lift 2

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Asbestos Removal Services

Asbestos removal comes in many forms. These are categorised into four main areas, and we offer free advice on any aspect of Asbestos Removal and Encapsulation. Click on the service...

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About e4 Environmental - Fully Licensed Asbestos Removal Company

Founded in 2006, we help people like you to remove asbestos in a regulated and safe manner. HSE certified, we are a fully-licensed asbestos removal contractor.


Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most common questions we get asked are answered below for you! For further information give us a...

Q: What should I do if I find asbestos?

Before removals can take place, the type of asbestos needs to be identified with an independent surveyor to determine the exact properties. Never attempt to remove it yourself, and call a professional such as ourselves. If it is in bad condition it may be treated as an urgent matter.

Q: What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occuring mineral, which was produced through mining. It has incredibly strong, heat-resistant properties which is why it was used for so many things. To learn more about what is asbestos, read our blog post here

Q: How will the quote be compiled for asbestos removal?

As each case is unique to the next, our dedicated Contracts Managers take into consideration lots of factors and this will be decided upon an initial phone call and a site visit. They gather as much information as possible and price accordingly and will give you an appropriate timescale for the works with this quote.

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