Work has begun on the redevelopment of the shops in the Waterdale shopping centre in Doncaster, and we have been instructed by the demolition firm GBM to remove all asbestos containing materials within the buildings prior to them knocking down the buildings.
The asbestos is located in various units that were previously shops, and the works will be phased in multiple buildings across the site. At this point, E4 Environmental have removed bitumen floor tiles, asbestos insulation board fire breaks, AIB flue pipe boxing fibreboard ceiling tiles, and various debris across multiple shop units.

View of the asbestos enclosure inside a small shop unit with 3-stage airlock and baglocks set up
We are working alongside the demolition company employees on site whilst they remove all non-asbestos materials to complete their ‘soft-strip’, so our team have been liaising with them throughout the process to ensure the schedule is kept to.

Shops completed on phase 1 of works

Various shop units have already been complete with all asbestos removed and stripped down to their bare structures, & awaiting demolition.

We have had multiple teams working on different areas of these shops, and are now ready to move on to the second phase of works which will continue until early December, with further works to be completed in to the new year. As our team move to another phase we will update you again with the progress & more images.