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How do you remove asbestos debris found in a demolition project?

Asbestos insulation debris has been located within the steel girders of a former nightclub in a recent demolition project. The high-level beams are covered with plasterboard and sealed behind there is asbestos-containing debris scattered.

Dangers of asbestos debris

As the fibres are often broken and considered high-risk in asbestos debris, they must be removed under fully controlled conditions and notified to the HSE.

Setting up the enclosure to remove asbestos debris

In this instance, the former Nightclub based in Derby City Centre has debris located throughout the whole room. This means that the large room is all set up as a controlled enclosure, using polythene to cover and protect areas.

inside former nightclub set up for asbestos removal

Once this enclosure has been set up, only asbestos operatives in full PPE may enter the area. They will then take cautious steps to remove the plasterboard covering, revealing the debris located behind.

inside former nightclub asbestos debris on beams behind plasterboard inside former nightclub ready to remove asbestos

The enclosure contains a 3-stage bag lock and air lock system. It is built using metal frames and 1000-gauge polythene. This is industry standard to ensure no asbestos fibres can escape through the polythene. This reduces any risk of contamination into the outside atmosphere.

Asbestos operatives can be seen building this system, getting it ready to fully seal the area.

airlock and baglock set up for asbestos enclosure

An integrity test, or smoke test, will then be carried out before works go ahead. This is an opportunity to show any potential weak areas of the enclosure. If any smoke leaks out, there is a structural error that must be fixed.

This part of the project will take a few weeks to fully complete. Once this has happened, an independent analyst will come into the area to fully inspect for any asbestos residue. When they are satisfied that no asbestos fibres remain in the area, including all the small cracks in the bricks, they will declare the area clear.

If you come across any asbestos debris it must be treated with extreme caution, so please contact a professional asbestos removal company.

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About e4 Environmental - Fully Licensed Asbestos Removal Company

Founded in 2006, we help people like you to remove asbestos in a regulated and safe manner. HSE certified, we are a fully-licensed asbestos removal contractor.


Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most common questions we get asked are answered below for you! For further information give us a...

Q: Why do some works have to be notified to the HSE?

In order to protect all members of the public from any unnecessary asbestos fibre exposure, the HSE requires certain types of works to be notified to them at least 14 days in advance in order to regulate and control the removal procedures. These types of works include certain fibres and ACM’s, and these works may only be done by licensed contractors. For more about the HSE process, head to their website.

Q: Why is asbestos hazardous to my health?

The fibres of the asbestos materials are long, thin strands that are very small. When inhaled, these fibres latch on to your lungs and organs and when built up over time can cause Asbestosis or Mesothelioma, both fatal and incurable diseases. For further information on why asbestos can be dangerous, read our blog.

Q: What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occuring mineral, which was produced through mining. It has incredibly strong, heat-resistant properties which is why it was used for so many things. To learn more about what is asbestos, read our blog post here

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