Asbestos removal contract to remove the cement eaves located in Sheffield’s S12 area of residential properties.
Long-term asbestos removal project
Our client has instructed us to complete the removal of asbestos cement eaves to the external of many residential properties in the Sheffield S12 area. The works will be predicted for a period of 12 months, with E4 Environmental starting works in March of this year.
We are working alongside a licensed scaffolder to complete the works. There will be fixed scaffolds to each property for our operatives to work safely from.

Removal of asbestos cement eaves
As the cement eaves are attached with nails, they are to be taken off carefully one-by-one. Due to the location of the asbestos, extra precautions are taken to make sure we are not disturbing any local animals.
Each tile is taken off and a visual inspection is done for bats, birds, bees, or wasps nests. If we see any sign of these, work is immediately stopped and specialists will be brought in by our client.
All waste produced will be wrapped in heavy-duty polythene or double bagged in red and clear asbestos waste bags. This waste is then removed from the site and disposed of at a designated landfill site where waste consignment notes shall be issued.

On completion of removals, a self-certification cleanliness certificate shall be issued by E4 Environmental supervisor for each property. Reinstatement works will be carried out by replacing the cement eaves with plywood boarding which shall be supplied by the client.

If you have any asbestos in your home, get in touch and we will provide you with a free, no-obligation quote!